
Imagine discovering uncharted destinations with handpicked spots pinpointed on a map by experienced globetrotters. Sounds amazing? Introducing the STAR GUIDE, a reinvented travel guide for mobile. Say goodbye to sifting through countless blog articles, hotel and restaurants reviews etc. The ideal selection is right there. STAR GUIDE represents a collaborative effort between myself and "Reactor" at nomtek. The first version of the mobile app was released in August 2023.


May 2023 — now

What did I do?

Design System
UX + UI Design
Icons Library
Graphic Design

Process Highlights

STAR GUIDE, in its app-experiment form, had a very limited scope. We decided to focus on content and delivering the app fast instead of loosing time on details. Even though time was short, we have managed to launch a fully functional product that has all the essential features for the start and a collection of amazing, mobile friendly travel guides.


I have met with people behind the idea of STAR GUDIE in the beginning of the process to learn about the product and it's values. I have also met with Karol from Busem Przez Świat to present him the design concept and deep dive into their needs as STAR GUIDE authors.


Before development started, I had already designed most of the app. With "this could've been an e-mail" mindset, I shared my progress few times a week via Slack with short videos describing new features and solutions.

User Tests

Before the app was officially released, we've tested it internally at nomtek along with our signed authors.

UI + UX Review

Once Development was done, I was checking if the app met the initial vision from the usability and visual perspective.


During its initial phase, the app provided a limited selection of guides. To not draw too much attention to this, I displayed them as a simple list, with each guide appearing as a large card featuring an attractive cover image.

Guide Summary

Before buying a guide, travellers can view it's outline, which includes locations summary, brief description and a map showing the area where recommended locations are in.

Location Details

Each highlighted location comes with a detailed description, set of photos and directions on how to get there.

What's next?

As STAR GUIDE remains under development, new features are introduced with each guides drop. Here are some of the upcoming ones.

Refreshed Home

As our collection of guides grows, we were looking for methods to improve browsing experience. "Quick Filters" at the top of the screen adapt based on most recent releases or promotions.

Offline Mode

To give travellers access to their guides even in the most remote locations, we're introducing the possibility to download subscribed guides.

List View for Guide Details

For swifter browsing of carefully curated locations, we introduced a "List View" alongside our "Map View" feature.

Let's talk.

Let's talk.